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Shipping countries with zones z.destination

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 09:01 GMT   Simplified Chinese
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How to buy

For how to order, delivery time, guarantees etc.

read our "how to's" We accept orders from any country !

All our Products are RoHs compliant !

About us

Our group is Chinese Manufacturer which owns 3 factories and 4 workshops:
Export items:
1. LED diodes
2. Cooling modules
3. Heatsinks
4. LCD modules
Domestic market:
5. Multimeters
6. Connectors + cables
7. Switches
Factories are located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in China.

Countries with Zones

Afghanistan 5East Timor 2Lebanon 5Puerto Rico 6
Albania 5Ecuador 6 Lesotho 6 Qatar 5
Algeria 6 Egypt 5Liberia 6 Romania 5
Andorra 4El Salvador 6 Libya 6 Russia 6
Angola 6 Equatorial Guinea 6 Liechtenstein 4Rwanda 6
Argentina 6 Eritrea 6 Lithuania 5San Marino 4
Armenia 5Estonia 5Luxembourg 4Saudi Arabia 5
Australia 2Ethiopia 6Macedonia 5Senegal 6
Austria 4Fiji 2Madagascar 6 Serbia and Montenegro 5
Azerbaijan 5Finland 4Malaysia 1Seychelles 6
Bahamas 6 France 4Maldives XSiera Leone 6
Bahrain 5Gabon 6 Mali 6 Singapore 1
Bangladesh XGambia 6 Malta 4Slovakia 5
Barbados 6 Georgia 5Martinique 6 Slovenia 5
Belarus 5Germany 4Mauritania 6 Somalia 6
Belgium 4Ghana 6 Mauritius 6South Africa 5
Belize 6 Greece 4Mexico XSpain 4
Benin 6 Greenland 4Micronesia XSri Lanka X
Bermuda 6 Grenada 6 Mlawi 6 Sudan 6
Bhutan XGuatemala 6 Moldova 5Suriname 6
Bolivia 6 Guinea 6 Monaco 4Swaziland 6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5Guyana 6 Mongolia 6Sweden 4
Botswana 6 Haiti 6 Morocco 6Switzerland 4
Brazil 6Honduras 6 Mozambique 6 Syrian Arab Republic 5
Brunei 1Hungary 5Myanmar XTaiwan 1
Bulgaria 5Iceland 4Namibia 6 Tajikistan 6
Burkina Faso 6 India 4Nauru 6 Tanzania 6
Burundi 6 Indonesia 1Nepal XThailand 1
Cambodia 1Iran 5Netherlands 4Togo 6
Cameroon 6 Iraq 5New Caledonia 2Tongo 2
Canada 3Ireland 4New Zealand 2Tunisia 6
Cape Verde 6 Israel XNicaragua 6 Turkey 4
Cayman Islands 6 Italy 4Niger 6 Turkmenistan 6
Central African Republic 6 Ivory Coast 6 Nigeria 6Uganda 6
Chad 6 Jamaica 6 Norway 4Ukraine 5
Chile 6Japan 1Oman 5United Arab Emirates X
Colombia 6Jordan 5Pakistan XUnited Kingdom 4
Congo (Zaire) 6 Kazakhstan 6 Palestine 5United States 3
Costa Rica 6 Kenya 6Panama 6Uruguay 6
Croatia 5Kirbati 2Papua N.G. 2Uzbekistan 6
Cuba 6 Kirghizia (Kyrgyzstan) 6 Paraguay 6Venezuela 6
Cyprus XKorea 1Peru 6Vietnam 1
Czech Republic 5Kuwait 5Philippines 1Yemen 5
Denmark 4Laos 1Poland 5Zambia 6
Dominica Republic 6 Latvia 5Portugal 4Zimbabwe 6
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